It’s a new day in philanthropy, work smarter not harder

September 2, 2022   |   Season: 1 Episode: 8   |   Transcript

Meg George

Meg George began her career as a frontline fundraiser and defined her career path by developing her strengths, not jumping through traditional hoops. Recognizing that major gift donors are the backbone of American philanthropy – and that transformational investments in nonprofit work are becoming the new norm – she rightfully claims, “it is a new day in philanthropy.” Meg invites you to join the sector by sharing her insights on creating a successful career: define your strengths, understand your personality, work smarter not harder to secure principal investment in the nonprofit, and whatever you do don’t send another cookie cutter cover letter. Meg is co-founder of the boutique consultancy George Philanthropy Group, which is focused on high-impact major giving. She is a philanthropic strategist who operates on both sides of the equation: as a fundraiser and a philanthropic advisor for donors making charitable gifts. She advises nonprofits across different sectors on a relationship-centered approach to raising funds, and works with individuals & families on their personal philanthropy, often helping them build their own mission statements. When working with Meg charitable giving is strategic and intentional, which maximizes its philanthropic impact. Ultimately her clients find fulfillment by investing in meaningful causes that generate tangible outcomes.

Show Notes

TED Talk: The way we think about charity is dead wrong by Dan Pallotta

Work Smarter, Not Harder poster by David Weidman

Good to Great by Jim Collins (not mentioned but worth a look: Good to Great and the Social Sectors)

Introverts vs. Extroverts: Is there a better fundraiser?

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