“Don’t Lose Momentum” December

December 10, 2024   |   Season: 3 Episode: 8   |   Transcript

Katherine Pooser, MPA, Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy

Show Notes

Ok, ok it’s not as catchy as No-Shave November or Dryanuary but it’s important…DON’T sit December out, you can make real progress in your job search. 

In this episode, for those new to the sector, we take a few minutes to talk through what is happening at the height of giving season and what leaders and hiring managers are thinking about this December including the 🪦“nonprofit killer” bill.

There is no hiring season, nonprofits are hiring now. Each role represents a problem the organization is looking to solve. By the time a position is posted on the organization’s website, it’s almost certain the team has been working beyond capacity. APPLY NOW! You will not be overlooked if you apply in December. 

MUST DO: Revamp your elevator pitch for the season. As you reconnect with your oldest pals and loved ones, let your answer to the inevitable question, “so, what are you up to these days?” be filled with your values, your future and the impact you want to make. People who are interested in knowing what you’re up to usually want to help you. 

EXTRA CREDIT: Take time in December to be your own coach. Take a break from your plan and look onto your job search with an outsider’s eye to find and fill gaps. These four questions can get you started:

  1. Have I identified my values and the impact I want to make on the world? Has that gotten lost in the search process
  2. Have I identified the organizations or job titles that are of interest to me? Where am I sourcing job opportunities? Check out: Idealist.org, Nick Martin, Interested Newsletter, Young Nonprofit Professionals Group  🐘 Don’t forget the power of networking to access the hidden job market.
  3. In the past 12 months, which elements of the job search process have I excelled in and which need improvement? Also, who can I enlist to help me with these elements?   📣 Try YouTube for interview questions and answers and tap into your alma mater’s alumni career services.
  4. Do I think I can get the job I want? Check your Imposter Syndrome. Practice REAL self-care to stay resilient.

EXTRA EXTRA CREDIT: Dig deeper and listen to the full episodes referenced.

Keep your job search moving in December, 2025-you will thank you. 


Episodes Referenced: 

Use your North Star to be Value-Add & the First Professional Doctorate in Philanthropic Leadership

Guide to Getting Back to Work

Selectively apply, Ace your interview

Imposter Syndrome Can Wreck your Nonprofit Job Search, Before it Even Starts

Weak Ties, Big Results: How to Network Beyond your Inner Circle (Part 3 of 3)

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